AMV Logistics provides logistics services all over the world.
Please see below more about our services :
Customs Services – AMV Logistics provides services in Tallinn, Rakvere and Tartu. In addition to customs clearance in Estonia we provide customs services in Russia , Moscow – St. Petersburg , Riga, Latvia , Lithuania, Vilnius and Kaunas.
Customs Services pricing requests can be found here
Warehousing – located in Tallinn roundabout. Heated warehouse, temperature average is around 15-16°C. Warehouse has 5 loading ramps and additional possibility for ground floor loadings. Inside the warehouse is located the customs warehouse / terminal . Larger and more weather-resistant products can be stored outdoors in a closed territory.
Warehouse request form can be found here
Transport services – are provided around the world. We are engaged in full – if partial cargo , both on land , at sea and in the air . Our extensive network of partners will be able to solve your problems in the field of logistics around the world , whether they be large or small – AMV Logistics is a reasonable solution for your cargo!
Price request for transport services can be found here
Transit or a principal service – AMV Logistics refers to the principal’s service for goods that do not have the status of the European Union . Transit is possible to start from Estonia, Latvia , Finland and Germany .
Request form can be found here